One or more words created by rearranging all the letters of a given word or phrase. All the letters have to be used, and only used once. The resulting anagram will usually have nothing to do with the original word or phrase, but it's amusing when it does.
Anagrams are not to be confused with palindromes (though "straw" is both a palindrome and anagram of "warts"), spoonerisms, acronyms, or other word plays.
Anagrams are not to be confused with palindromes (though "straw" is both a palindrome and anagram of "warts"), spoonerisms, acronyms, or other word plays.
- "earth" is an anagram of "heart"
- An anagram for "Alice Cooper" is "A cool recipe"
- "General", "enlarge", and "Al Green" are all anagrams of each other
- "Axl Rose" is an anagram of "Oral Sex"
- "Dormitory" becomes "Dirty Room"
- "Santa" becomes "Satan"
- An anagram for "Alice Cooper" is "A cool recipe"
- "General", "enlarge", and "Al Green" are all anagrams of each other
- "Axl Rose" is an anagram of "Oral Sex"
- "Dormitory" becomes "Dirty Room"
- "Santa" becomes "Satan"
by Bill M. August 27, 2004
by Gamecraft2525 May 13, 2019
by Ejiova March 31, 2017
The act of a gay and or lesbian couple engaging in the classic 69 position, and then flipping 180 degrees and continuing the same position. (One could say they switched to a reverse 96). In summation, different positions within the same position (an anagram) amidst a gay couple (rainbow).
I heard Lou and Craig engaged in an Anagram Rainbow last night. I admire the fact that they were able to honor their sexualities and their shared passion for grammar at the same time.
by Sum41luvr February 18, 2017
by Babeluka7 February 2, 2022
When one types a word into their iPhone or iPod, and it autocorrects it into a completely different word, both those words are iPhone anagrams
Man: My stupid autocorrect put pussy instead of pizza, sorry.
Women: Oh, those words are iPhone anagrams
Women: Oh, those words are iPhone anagrams
by P-vento March 30, 2011