Eatable ace

its a person who taste really good and their name is ace
"Eatable ace"
by Eatable ace March 11, 2022
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2 Names combined from their first letter name and the first letter of the last name
by Josh23..4/27 May 4, 2018
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xuan hao ACS

Xuan hao is a sugar daddy . Somehow can study 2 seconds before the exam and can do better than others. Has a huge ass . Can eat buffet and not get fat.
1:who is this

2:one and only daddy xuan hao ACS

by hptdogbun August 25, 2021
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Ace bases

The set of relation ship bases for asexuals. (As in asexual relationships it can be a lot more romantic and emotional than a heterosexual or homosexual relationship and can take longer for intimate contact to occur or it will never happen at all)

1st base : holding hands

2nd base: hugging

3rd base : light kissing (cheek etc)

4th base : cuddling

5th base : French kissing
Girl 1 : oh my god! July went to 5th base with her girlfriend last night

Girl 2: yeah but it was ace bases
by Honeybea March 22, 2017
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Ace Venturi

Da little-known mechanic-sidekick of Jim Carrey's super-sleuth-of-da-domestic-animal-world character; his job is to keep all of Ace's vehicles in perfect running order.
As much damage as Randall "Tex" Cobb's grumpy-ruffian character caused to da Animal Advocate's prized muscle-car, it's likely dat Ace Venturi had several days' worth of "patchin' 'n' paintin'" to perform after da famous daredevil detective got back from his dog-retrieving mission.
by QuacksO January 21, 2023
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Ace Fujikawa

Gay emo guy from danganronpa super lucky stars

by Aceyboo December 1, 2023
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