A nickname given to white male rapper with serious talent.
Often considered a lump of hunk.
Whoa, that kid has some serious talent. He's the best Willy T I've ever seen!
by Fone Bone May 24, 2017
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Akram Abukar Loves Sakas Willy Juice/Sperm
Akram” I love when Saka squirts Willy juice in my mouth and drinking Sakas Willy Juice!”
by KittenCurls! January 23, 2022
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Willy the dog is your average neighborhood dog. However his bark is so horrifying it can drive some people to extreme limits. Such as hiding in closets, on counter tops, and in bathrooms.
Willy the dog is has a very loud bark
by leafsquare222 August 11, 2019
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The stuff that involves the male organ and your hand. In other words, yet another euphemism for masturbation.
"Open that door, man! No, wait, are you appreciating Willie again?"

"Even though there seems to be no chick on this Earth to appreciate you, Willie, know that I'm always here for you."
by Lefty Palmer January 9, 2012
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A word that me and my cousin Dylan Ford created back in the day when we played roblox on Xbox live
Yo man your a little Willy schmedder
by Willy schmedder November 21, 2020
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A bowl of never ending delight. Like the never ending gobstopper, this bowl seems to last forever
Man that thinh has lasted for 45 minutes, its a willy wonka bowl and a half
by Luciousmccain August 14, 2015
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