times two

You can times two your investment if you join my Initial Coin Offering pump and dump.
by anarchyseeds January 23, 2018
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true times two

A statement attesting to the veracity of an assertion. Origination stems from the phrase, double true, made famous by Andy Samberg and Chris Parnell in their SNL skit, Lazy Sunday.
Guy 1: You could see Lindsay Lohan's smash up coming from a mile a way.

Guy 2: True dat!

Guy 1: True times two!
by Davenator June 1, 2007
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Every two months men have a hormonal imbalances, just like women do when they are on their period and it's, "that time of the month", for them. It's main symptoms are irritablity and tiredness.

Guy 2: What's wrong with guy 1?

Guy 3: Nothing really, it's that time of the two months for him.
by Bagginski February 24, 2010
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Derived from the half-your-age-plus-seven rule. Used to define the oldest that a romantic interest can be before the relationship is considered indecent. This rule is considered more accurate than the your-age-plus-half-your-age-minus-seven rule, which in some cases conflicts with the half-your-age-plus-seven rule.
Jackie and Dan were mutually attracted, but Jackie waited until she turned 21 to make a move on the 28-year-old Dan, thereby making it acceptable under the your-age-minus-seven-times-two rule.
by DoesNotExist October 26, 2009
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Hooha Times Two

Another one of “Phill’s” saying, what does it mean? No one knows.
by Distant577 August 16, 2024
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a time or two

Loosely means once or twice. Also expressed as a time or 3, a time or 4. It means that something done happened at least once but could have happened a few, but not many times. Its kind of similar to saying a couple, with couple literally being 2 but it may be 3 or 4, but not many
I've done done that a time or two
by Sir Carlton September 4, 2021
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