If you have a scar the rats might come
"Oh my god did you hear that Scar = Rat! Its crazy!!!!
by ratsarelife February 2, 2020
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One who keeps multiple tabs open on their computer browser. Tab rats seldom close a tab and at times have so many open they slowdown or crash their computer. Confronted with unwanted audio playback they can have trouble finding the source as they sort through tab after tab. Analogous to a pack rat.
My mom the tab rat tortures her computer, never closing a tab on her browser while complaining about how slowly it runs.
by farbolous November 22, 2018
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When someone who works in professional services (lawyers,doctors, accountants.. etc) is over studious and over achieving and makes others look worse and thus makes them work harder.

Typically seen in public accounting.
SG (tax accountant): hey Bro, you here JM asked for more work from the managers & partners. He said he still had capacity working only 60 hour weeks. Wants to up to 80.

DB (Other accountant): Man, that guy always tries to make us look bad we we only work the designated 37.5 hours a week. He’s such a fucking Nerd-Rat. *bangs fist on table*

SG: yea but your also a fucking nerdrat working 42 hours a week.

DB: Your a fucking nerdrat

SG: fuck you. Nerdrat
by NOTACPA May 21, 2020
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Rey, Also known as the cutest human alive, is the most powerful rat you can ever encounter. Not only are they kind and caring, but the only thing he can think about is cuddles and hugs. Legends say that when reynald makes an animal sound, it means they want a forehead kiss. It is difficult to take care of said rat, and thus you need to read a “how to take care of a crackhead” manual. Their fav food is your cheek or a rock so watch out until they bite ya!
Here it goes again, reynald the rat wants forhead kisses. *precedes to give them smoochie*
by Magic Caterpillar November 21, 2021
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A smack head who rides his bike into work and is late most days, he also hates Mondays and hits his mrs.
Reece is late again, I told the lads he was a boomtown rat.
by Bulb123 November 24, 2021
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lol rat driving tiny car so funny they keep crashing lol go watch it in the "use it in a sentence" place
google "rats driving cars" and watch the first link. do not stare at anything else only stare at the rats in the car.
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