Zephyrize (verb) refers to the act of infusing an environment, space, or object with a light, gentle, and refreshing quality, reminiscent of a soft breeze. It embodies the idea of imbuing tranquility, serenity, and a sense of natural harmony. Zephyrize can be used metaphorically to describe the process of transforming or enhancing an atmosphere, a mood, or an experience to be calming, uplifting, and invigorating, akin to the soothing touch of a gentle wind on a warm summer day. (This was made by chatGPT)
"The interior designer skillfully zephyrized the living room, creating an oasis of calmness with light pastel colors, delicate textures, and a subtle play of natural light."
by Taggy1011 May 19, 2023
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1. a light breeze
2. A very nice guy who probably won't leave you alone and will call you 4/7 days in a week. However, you must not get tired of this person, because once you get to know them Zephyrs are very nice and you'll probably get platonically or romantically married
1. This is a nice zephyr
2. So, this is my friend Zephyr
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An amazing boy. He's always there for you, he's attractive af and funny as hell. He's the kind of person who will ask if you want to talk about it if you say you aren't feeling great. He's obsessed with games such as DMC5, RDR and AC:S.

Love you Zeph <3

-Paceman :D
I love Zephyr!

IKR!! He's so funny!
by Payton <3 December 23, 2021
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Zephyr is the name of hot people, it means west wind. It is a privilege to be named Zephyr !! If you ever encounter a Zephyr just know that they are the funniest,coolest, nicest person you know. They’re sensitive ass mfs though so please be careful on what you say around them.
“Zephyr’s so hot
“Zephyr’s so cool!”
“Zephyr’s so funny LOL !”
by toothpickle July 14, 2021
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1) a light breeze
2) the west wind
by zeh-fer October 28, 2003
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a very nice cute person ☝️is rlly bad at darts and deez nuts jokes
wow zephyr is so nice! #girlboss
by very cool girl July 23, 2021
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A angry elemental

Warms up to people after listening to post malone
Dance with me Zephyr!
by Jay-Jay binks November 29, 2019
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