An erection one gets from playing and/or watching any of the Legend of Zelda series.
Austin: wow Rob is getting really into watching me play Ocarina of Time.
Me: i know, watch out or he might get a Zelder.
by zapdotshimmy October 15, 2012
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1. verb - A fleeting concept often lost in translation, popular with collegiate students, where the growing fad of doing so is spreading between social circles.
Also see: Walderize, Waving email by Google, Pontificate

2. verb - The slang term for getting your fires animal style at IN-n-Out.
Also see: animal style

3. verb - To obliterate using invisible fire.

Orgins: A8101A UCLA, College of Letters and Sciences
1. I zelderize, you zelderize, he/she zelderizes, remember when Google zelderized their system, the priest is zelderizing the young child.

2. At In-n-Out yesterday, I got my fries zelderized, they were delicious.

3. Set phasors to zelderize Mr. Spock.
by UCLA Prof. 101 June 7, 2009
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A zelder of zadok is one who was chosen by the legend of zadok to pass proper judgement upon people.
Fear me for I am a zelder of zadok.
by zelder zachahyah April 21, 2021
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Such stupidity it's bellow all known things in the universe.
Man after I pulled that Walnut for a brain dumb, I commited an Erik Arthur David Zelder and went to jail for 10 years.
by GoofyPussy February 2, 2020
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An elder member of the Gen Z population, born between 1997 and 2001. Characterized by acting over confident, yet anxious and often misinformed.
Like most Zelders, Braxton was in pre k during 9/11.

“That’s bussin, no cap!” exclaimed Zelder Xander as they dabbed.
by K Fo20 June 19, 2024
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