
A guy who has the same powers as James Bond
wow isn't that zeb? i'd get on my knees for him any time
by Zeb September 18, 2003
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Zeb is Zeb
by Neel Sora Ouranos February 11, 2022
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Zeb has got the same powers as James Bond
Wow Is that Zeb? I would kneel down for him.
by Zeb fan July 10, 2020
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Adjective meaning sexy or hot.
That guy is sooo zeb!
by afghanisrock October 9, 2005
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Slang Egyptian term for a dick
Shouldn't we do hw, yasta ?

- My zeb is mango. You're not going anywhere before another game.
NOTE: Egyptians usually combine "My zeb is" in one term called "Zebby" and use it like this: Zebby mango.

In this context, Zebby mango & my zeb is mango r ways of saying: Shit no || hella no & so on. Used to show objection. It's like I won't do that before you come and lick the my Mango DICK.

Now You can use this term when you're dickhead manager gives you some stupid task. Just shout at him: "Zebby MAGAAAAA."

Yea BTW. Egyptian pronounce it "Manga" instead of "Mango"
by AE.singer April 20, 2023
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(noun)Lebanese word meaning: Penis
Leb: Hey babe, come and sit on my zeb (n.)
Girl: I dont wanna sit on your zeb
Leb: C'mon ill jb on ur face
Girl: Piss off you Zeb (Adj.)
by <<< Sexy Alexy >>> January 4, 2005
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"I told you don't touch me, you Zeb!"
by youngsahbi February 9, 2016
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