What 98.9% of high school children fail to see in themselves... Who people should be: their own selves.
by 1325 March 30, 2011
by Kanthia January 1, 2006
My gosh don't be yourself
by TheBreadY December 29, 2018
by Stringdogg November 25, 2010
by The Dodgest Dodge November 18, 2019
What we all should do. Stop with the prep, emo, scene, hip hop scally wag horse crap or whatever. Wear what you want, be how you want. Who ever judges you for that is obviously questioning themselves more than anyone else.
by just,juststop March 10, 2011
To be yourself is one of the hardest things to do! People may come along and you want to be them but you are who you are and it’s for a good reason. To be yourself is to have whatever job you want with whatever friends you want. To be yourself is not only to be nice but to thoughtful and fun!! So do whatever you want because you are you and nothing can change that.
by Me06 January 4, 2018