YouTube shorts

A variety of the tiktok disease with out the tiktok watermark.

Generally, has tiktok reposts. Mostly has staged pranks, unfunny jokes, dangerously fake facts and more.
My friend likes YouTube shorts. I think something’s wrong with him.
by youcantseeme56 June 25, 2021
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YouTube Shorts

Bootleg Tiktoks
A rando is addicted to YouTube Shorts
by lil' thug September 28, 2021
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youtube shorts

a cringe piece of shit that has no purpose. it only wastes your time.
guy: broooo, i scrolled for one hour on youtube shorts today
guy: what?
by thepersonwhoisreal January 16, 2023
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Youtube shorts

Once again youtube made another bad and cringey platform!
The whole point is that YouTube shorts is the new copy paste of youtube kids oh and its also a copy paste of tiktok because of many tiktok videos posted in it.
A wise man once said “if idiots are airplanes youtube shorts would be a airport”
by Somebody thats not gay July 26, 2021
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YouTube Shorts

Sub bot.
But really: YouTube videos that are basically TikToks, but on YouTube, and they are guaranteed to give BIG views. Especially if there’s bobux involved.
YouTube: *gives me bobux YouTube shorts on homepage*
Me: it viral time to copy
Me a few days later: *1 billion sub*
by Bronelson January 14, 2021
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YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts are a type of content introduced around 2019 in order to concurrence Tiktok. The principle of Shorts are to post videos that last less than 60 seconds. Generally, YouTube Shorts seem to perform better than traditional videos. The only problem is that YouTube Shorts doesn't have an algorithm, meaning that scams and fake news videos can be recommended to you. Hopefully, YouTube introduces patches to regulate Shorts.
Person 1: Today, I'll publish a Short on YouTube Shorts.
The next day...
Person 1: Oh my god! I got a million views on my short!
Person 2: Why are my Shorts better than my long videos?
by SlammerGaming0 October 13, 2023
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Youtube shorts

An absolute abomination
No joke bro, no need to download tiktok instead you've got "youtube shorts". This feuture is still available to watch, basically inside the youtube shorts it's just a bunch of cringy shorts, skits, tiktok repost, and etc..

It's also addictive as tiktok
Also youtube shorts is the one who made the "png-tubers" trends which is trending right mow in tiktok currently. Not only that there are many bunch of horrible content creators-..
Doesn't recomend this. It's just youtube being hungry again...
"Let's post some videos in youtube shorts!"
by BoringCrumbs April 21, 2022
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