You know what to do

Another way of saying “Kill yourself” to someone after you feel you’ve overused the phrase and the receiving party is aware that you are likely to say “kill yourself
Background: Nate is famous for telling people “Kill Yourself
Ravan: bro you’re trash at this game
Nate: Yo, You know what to do
Ravan: Fuck you
by Solark42 October 15, 2019
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you know what you doing

taken from the zero wing dialect (see all your base are belong to us). stands for you know what you are doing, or we're counting on you. Usually achieved by launching all zig for great justice, when we have no chance to survive and are making our time.
"I know what im doing!"
"you know what you doing! launch all zig, for great justice!"
by baklava March 15, 2004
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You know what you doing

"You know what you doing" first appeared in a game for the Sega Genesis called "Zero Wing", along with the phrases All your base are belong to us and You have no chance to survive, make your time.

One uses this phrase to point out that the listener is or the listeners are capable of finishing some task.
Alexander: I'm going to call the guy, and convince him that we are right about this.
9001: You know what you doing!
Alexander: Thanks for the encouragement.
by datniggapimmdechinchilla June 7, 2010
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A phrase usually uttered before a terrible idea.
Steve:You know what we should do?

Bill:No, what?

Steve:Build a castle, on top of a car. It's like a motorhome for kings!
by Hairinista February 19, 2012
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A phrase that is often mentioned in technical documentation to make readers more cautious about their actions.
The options http_debug and advanced are reserved for developers. They should not be adjusted unless you know what you are doing. No documentation is currently written for them.
by reyuki June 25, 2024
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This question tests if an adult male is a real man or not. A woman asks when assessing if an adult male is worth being in a romantic relationship with. If the guy says yes, he is a real man. If he is confused by the question, he is not worthy. If he says no but expresses interests in improving himself, don't write him off as a not-man yet. there is still hope
"Mike, do you know what to do with a box of bees? "

"uh, no?"

"then learn or go away. I only date REAL MEN."
by junebugistired April 24, 2020
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