the female reproductive organ. a man has a lingam, a woman has a yoni.
she dropped her drawers and we all saw her yoni
by Anonymous June 4, 2001
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1.The female reproductive organ. 2.A stylized euphemism for 'vagina'.
"Should I shave my Yoni tonight?"
by NaNcIbOi November 4, 2003
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a slang term for the amish
DANG those yonie broads have some big ol hands
by Broob January 7, 2013
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He is a very handsome guy, tall, often from East Africa, talks a lot and even has a big heart and respects people that has respect for him back!
Yonis is a very nice guy!
by Unknown0789 December 11, 2016
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yonis: (noun) 19 year old albanian virgin immigrant who spends his days learning hip hop dance moves, "threatening" people with a cap gun, and stalking mexican guys and underage girls, but still coming up empty-handed. In the night he lurks in the shadows watching HBO Latino. Hates all races, including his own. Looks up to White Supremacist Wayne as a roll model. Believes strongly in the usage of the "N" word. Chronic masturbater. Vocabulary consists of "say somethin'" and "yo man". Compares himself to Negrodomis. Has carried the same condom in his wallet since 1993. Makes God-like predictions. Once deep throated an entire banana. Abstinent, but not by choice.

Sexual experiences include:
Girl: Are you going to YonisFest?
Her Friend: Who is Yonis?
Girl: You know the 2 stepping Albanian
Her Friend: Oh shit I saw
by harrybeaver October 17, 2007
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