A slang word for the female vagina. Called so because of the vagina itself and the reopening of the wound once a month.
He poked her in the hatchet wound.
by Sean Moore April 16, 2006
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A wound that a normal person wouldn't acknowledge but a hebrew would complain about for days and possibly sue because of
Kyke: Owwww my arm is sore from the bug bite that i got two weeks ago.

Normal Man: Suck it up pussy, its just a jew wound
by I heart Emily R. May 28, 2009
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"Her hachet wound was tight!"
by dankenstein December 19, 2004
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When you're getting head from a chick and you bust in her hair then proceed to form her hair up into a mohawk...then you dance around her making indian noises and war cries.
Never do the wounded indian to an actual indian chick.
by J Pizzy May 1, 2005
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A female who you notice to be very drunk. Deriving from a lion hunting the weakest zebra in the pack, you move in and take her down...or to bed. Easy prey.
These chicks are gonna fall over...actually this whole bar is full of wounded zebra!
by Zack Norton September 28, 2006
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where you hire a hooker and then break her arm and force her to masturbate you. making the action of a "wounded pigeon"
by heling November 5, 2003
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The graphic but accurate description of a woman's vigina while she having heavy discharge during her period.
She was on her period, but I was so horny I went ahead and stuck it in her hatchet wound.
by Man-O-Whore May 28, 2006
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