by Slippypuppy January 4, 2019
by lookatthisfag April 6, 2020
When driving and the road has various stops, turns, and obstacles making through passage difficult for travel
"Hey Mr. Leo Potter, how do I get back to M-23 from wal-mart?? "
-"take it to 65 north to avoid the wiggle woggle of Alpena!"
-"take it to 65 north to avoid the wiggle woggle of Alpena!"
by Hair parted down the middle July 21, 2023
The act of being extremely high and thinking that your jogging but in reality your only walking slowly
by Houston baker December 18, 2013
by Kill hill April 14, 2022
The act of trying to acquire a female ZARPian's instagram username by pretending to look for someone else's profile. Commonly referred to as "SIMP"
by really not martin April 16, 2020