A derivitave of 'The Winner', Teh WinRAR is something you say when you win.
by Teh WinRAR August 24, 2008
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Depending on the context it is used, 40 winrar days could represent a mere 40 days, or beyond infinity. The duration depends on the person's will to wait five seconds before using winrar.
Person 1: Oh, I saw your ex yesterday!
Person 2: Wow, I haven't seen that bitch in like 40 winrar days.

Kurzgesagt: The inevitable heat death of the universe is over a trillion quadrillion billion years away.
Person 3: Damn, atleast my 40 day winrar trial will still live on.
by DarkRPAdmin April 15, 2019
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When you want to congratulate yourself on a job well done and don't mind sounding like a geeky dumbass.

Don't let anyone tell you you're using it wrong, it's not some computer-y thing, it's a statement of your coolness.

Plus it rhymes.
"I just put my pants on the right way, I R Teh Winrar!"
by KittyButt September 29, 2009
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A Russian invention of the file compression and decompression software. It is famous for being the program that NOBODY ever registers!
WinRAR's so-called "40-day free trial" is actually infinite and never stops working. Why use this program when you can use a much better one for free, 7-Zip?
by Ryan900USAYT January 18, 2023
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Essentially a file archiver program that is can unpack folders or apps in numerous file formats. It has a 40 day trial and after that it politely asks you to either uninstall the app or buy the subscription but nobody does it.
Me:okay!, I need more minecraft texture packs lemme just extract this pack and put it into my minecraft app data file.
WinRAR: sorry but 40 day trial is gone fam, needa uninstall.. but you can buy our subscription..-
Me: clicks fucking close button

Do that every time it says that and ez minecraft packs
by dipability October 31, 2019
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A software for unzipping files. The fact it never forcefully makes you pay after the 40 day trial is funny.
You are a dumbass if you pay for WinRAR.
by green909 February 16, 2024
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