A girl of the night complaining as she has not been paid.
Oh man that bitch went crazy, I didn't pay her after sex as she was shit she went whoremonal.
by tttgirls December 17, 2016
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hormones which make you act as a whore
Dang that skank has some serious whoremones
by Jayniew January 25, 2009
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Mormon's from Utah, who in rebellion of their staunch religion, have begun sleeping around. Frequently these Whoremons' have no respect for other people's relationships and will use dirty language to attract their prey.
"She is such a Whoremon!"
by Jean Chandler April 8, 2008
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The kind of level of hormones that makes one seem like a thirsty slut for extended periods of time.
That dude can't stop talking about sex and shit; the whoremones must be raging.
by Aerial Asshole September 27, 2017
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A whoremone is an endocrine signaling molecule released when a Chad's pheromones are detected by the olfactory sensory organs by men, women or others alike. This molecule signals the body that intercourse is about to go down.
Oh my god did you see Brett today? He's got my whoremones all outta whack.
by zeezer43 June 20, 2021
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Any mormon showing signs of whoreness, sluttiness, hoeness, or characteristics of a hooker or a prostitue.
Dude, that chick is such a whoremon
by Chris Poore December 4, 2004
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Female who sleeps around a lot, and blames it on her hormones
What the fuck is up with her whoremones......she sleeps around a lot..and blames it on hormones
by Karla January 30, 2004
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