
A suburban town South of Chicago, Illinois, composed of 24,000 people. Sandwiched between Downers Grove, Hinsdale and Clarendon Hills, it contains one High School composed of approximately 500 students, located in the center of the subdivision, Oakwood. Basically, everyone knows everyone's business which allows too much drama. There's hardly anything to do; drugs and drinking have become popular amongst teenagers, adults and certain teachers are also suspected to partake in such substances.
This town fucking blows, it must be Westmont.
by savethisxsinkingship May 28, 2008
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Town in Chicago IL, that is becoming more city like every year. This town is large, and has many awsome people in it. Everybody wishes there town was like westmonts.
Dam dawn westmont is better than my town.
by Joe August 14, 2006
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Westmont Waterfall

When an intoxicated fun loving and amazingly hilarious guy asks a slightly intoxicated, fun loving, naked woman to bend over while he, who won't let go of his college fraternity days, takes puff from pencil joint, then pours ice cold beer down her ass crack into his welcoming mouth, holds the hit for so long that the small vein on his temple bulges out, and then he blows the hit out. The sequence may be wrapped up with a tongue dart.
Hey Mandy, we’re going to get high this evening and do the Westmont Waterfall.
by IR811 June 12, 2021
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Westmont Waste

When a Westmont guy and a Westmont girl hang out all the time over the course of a month, semester, or even a year, and everyone knows that they like each other, but nothing ever happens because, well, it's Westmont.
A: I see Sarah and Jimmy hanging out all the time... are they a couple or something?
B: Nah man, it's just another Westmont Waste

A: Wasn't Emily your Westmont Wow freshman year?
B: Psh! More like Westmont Waste!
by westmonster June 29, 2011
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westmont guy

A male from Westmont College whose goals for college include, maintaining an expensive scholarship, looking good, and proving to Westmont girls their manliness through either deep conversation or idiotic behavior (i.e. various screeches, hoots, and general goofyness).
That Westmont guy is so nice, but he sounds like a banshee on crack when he beckons his bretheren.
by Toc tic October 30, 2006
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westmont girl

a female from Westmont College whose cheif end is to save the world and/or find a husband by graduation
"That westmont girl just got engaged on europe semester."

"You have to give a westmont girl a ring to get sex."
by the bosh April 14, 2005
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Camp Westmont

honestly the best place on earth to be with people you love. that’s where i met my brothers for 10 years. all day everyday is super fucking fun. i love this camp with all my heart. we have the best food, snacks, evening activities, activities in general and sick color war. nancy tucker is the best evening activity and so is Brad Henderson. This camp is the best place on earth and i suggest everyone to go here
“oh hey steven i think i’m going to camp westmont it looks amazing!” fuck yeah u will
by cavs22campwestmont November 7, 2022
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