a weeble is a big boned, big bellied or a being with a big appetite. Often found in the Frac fields or Oil sand's feasting and gorging on anything edible. Their natural habitat is at work camps gobbling down copious amounts of food. They have a unique ability to constantly eat only allowing their jaws to stop chewing for a single breathe of oxygen. Lazy like a marsupial that lives in the trees of their food source weebles are alike, they often can be found carrying, lugging, hauling their massive food caches around with them wherever they go.

- Weebles are friendly while eating but can become aggressive when their food source is threatened or lack of food exists.
- If you have or know a weeble you should make sure you keep it well fed or the potential for a personal weeble attack will heighten with each second the weeble is without food.
- do not pet weebles.
louey ate so much food, that sneaky sly weeble!
by Niccnewman August 7, 2024
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he weebled when he was about to die
by dameem March 4, 2019
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Weeble is another term for the bowling game that comes bundled with the Nintendo Wii.
Hey, do you want to go weeble?
by Kim3 June 21, 2008
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A microscopic sized race of inter dimensional beings that have taken over humans to form a hive mind.
The way to kill a weeble is with UV lights and frequency waves, however throwing them as high as you can is extra fun
by Q.Duluth January 3, 2023
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Diggy is madd cool, that's my weebles for life!
by zany zane September 30, 2010
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A person strong in mental fortitude able to overcome many hardships and recover easily.
by Rompuz September 21, 2017
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