Short for "What's this?" = Wa-zis?
Wazzis crappy link you sent me?! (Rebecca Black's Friday)
by pugeot6 March 24, 2011
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Whats up?
Whats hangin?
Whats goin on?
screename1: wazzy?
screename2: not much here what about you?
by Sulker March 24, 2006
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wazzy: im a sick cunt
balmah: yeah you are
by w8zzy April 14, 2019
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1. To be fond of pissing people off
2. Someone who is a player
3. to act like dick
Man, that kid be so wazzy. he fucks too many girls. id like to beat his bitch ass
by Michael Navarro May 30, 2011
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A person who sits day and night in front of his pc playing games. Sometimes he goes to get him a snack but for the rest he stays there. He doesn't say hello to people who think there is a stranger on bfree's chair. This specie is mostly at least 50% gay and they are proud of it.
Get of your pc, you don't want to end up like a wazzie right?
by Salamander April 7, 2003
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A word combination directly translated as "Whats up"
skippy: wazzy?
johnny: nothin much, you?
by Sulker April 4, 2006
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A very religous gamer who is addicted 2 his pc
Hey you wanna go grab a beer ?
Dont u know i'm a wazzie fs
by Guess :) April 8, 2003
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