A classic song by female rock artist Cyndi Lauper. Unfortunately, it did overshadow the rest of her career. Cyndi Lauper wrote a ton of better songs.

Oh, and fuck the Miley Cyrus cover.
'Girls just want to have fun' is now a common saying among young women.
by Black_Spade October 19, 2008
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A facetious event used to express the ludicrousness of a previously suggested event.
Jake: Hey Rob, let's beat Contra!
Rob: Hey Jake, want to have a zombie apocalypse?

Rob: Wow, I can't believe how much snow we got!
Jake: Want to go for a run?
Rob: Hey Jake, want to have a zombie apocalypse?
by The AWPerator April 4, 2011
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A hurtful insult or label put on someone by another person. Also known as name-calling, slander, verbal harassment, or teasing. This can also include a name based on a person's reputation, or dirty parody names.
Rob Banks is a name I wouldn't want to be given by my parents. This makes people think I'm an aspiring criminal.
by Your Dad March 22, 2005
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When you have exactly what you want in terms of a relationship with one person. Yet you find yourself wanting that little extra something from another.

Just like wanting to be with two people.
Tiger Woods response to the media after they found out about all of his affairs, "To the public I'm sorry, but you know I, just like most men, I want to have my cake and eat it too."
by The Cake. July 20, 2011
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If u call 1-800-LUDWIG he will make sure u can get u a little sister. Hes Organization is free just make sure ur mother is in the house and cover ur ear its going to be wild after that he will abonden u due child support evasion and wait 9 months and viola :)) bonus in this service is ur mother will get stds
ah man sucks to be u that u dont have a sister. Oh wait U WANT A SISTER? U WANT IT? U CAN HAVE IT MY FRIEND.
by Ludwig_Doom August 4, 2021