White Knight--someone who tries to save another person or defend another person who is under attack
James acted the WK when he came to Jill's defense.
by charlestudor2005 April 13, 2009
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John: Jane's going to the party
Tom: yeah wk
by xcxz May 13, 2021
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It is a slang greeting original created in Durban South Africa the acronym means, “what kind” in simple English it means, “how are you doing”
Awe bro wk Means awe brother how you doing
by Ziggy_h April 7, 2018
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The call of a wookie, usually in distress.

In modern conversation, it is designed to be used by one who is distressed about what someone has messaged you. Or, if someone says something foolish to you.
<User is busy and multitasking>
<Friend> Hey, want to hear a funny joke from this forward I just got???
<User> !WK!!
by mscdex November 15, 2003
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Her pic was so hot i made me want to Wk of.
by Anubis123 November 23, 2008
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1. A term refering to a person who makes others highly uncomfortable.
2. A discription of a academic subject head who does not teach the source material and is often an pathilogical liar.
3. The initals of an indivdual with a first name starting with "W" and last name starting with an "K".
"Oh man, this WK Person is being such a creep."
"Man, WK Person isn't teaching anything and just talks about stupid stories"
"Hey there WK Person"
"Don't be so WK like man"
"That WK tried to make a move on me"
by Jipes Masta February 7, 2006
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wk is usually used while texting another person. Its short for who knows.
"You have anything else to say?"

"wk 🤷🏻"@
by BTSLover#1 September 22, 2019
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