When your blog post starts to spread wildly across the internet, facebook, twitter, sites all over the place only to find that you suddenly get slammed with spam and backlinks galore.
"Dude, You should virate that news"
"Hey did that post virate I gave you, or did it fall on deaf hands?"

Present tense: "My post is virating at the moment"
Past tense "Holy smoke Batman! That post I made has virated my blog out"
by EPC_On August 2, 2011
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People with this name are the most valuable person...MVP
Be like Virat
by VTheVir February 8, 2022
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A guy that Tim Paine likes to wind up.

I know he's your captain, but you can't seriously like as a bloke.
Tim Paine: Keep your coouel virat
by sotgbatwacail June 10, 2022
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An eccentric short perverted asian man that wastes away most of his life either whacking off to porn or drawing his own crude interpretations of it in Microsoft Paint. Also likes to work out, then smoke.
OMG! Backdoor Sluts 9x: The Director's Cut! hey brb guys..I have to uh...feed the dog...or something... yeah >_> *slow zipping sound*
by oh mouse of feeayar March 3, 2004
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My god is that Viratic!

You're Viratic right now, creep.
by OMGWTFBBQLOLROFL December 22, 2004
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Wow, You really are a Virat Kohli in your field.
by Niqotein November 20, 2020
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