A person who does nothing at all, I.ehad no role in the functioning of a house, family, company, etc.
My uncle is completely vestigial does nothing, contributes nothing but still thinks he is the head of the family.
by Beans_spilled December 14, 2019
Of or relating to vests.
by Brian and Zack January 23, 2009
When a person is born with the parts to form a butt (butt cheeks) but no flesh ever properly forms in it, so that the prson doesn't have the natural roundness of a butt and are therefore forced to sit on the extension of their thighs for lack of a natural butt. Or in simpler terms- lack of butt meat.
Hold on, is that Crystals's thighs or just her vestigial buttsack that's creeping from the top of her jeans when she bends over?
by Zoraya M May 19, 2008
Cable TV offering in many budget lodgings that is more basic than basic cable. Usually a tuning guide one real cable channel and an assortment of lame local channels. Rudimentary cable is a similar weak program option.
We stayed at the Super-8 lat night...the room was OK but the vestigial cable has to be the worst ever.
by TonyID March 15, 2010
by D1388 February 3, 2016
Used to describe someone who has lost the ability to think or seemingly without a working brain. Could also describe herd thinking (another word to add) or cult members who no longer think for themselves.
by uuuddd July 17, 2020
see penis cock and all variations of
a vestigial appendage is generally a part of the body that is not needed. ie something left over from evolution like an appendix. It is also defined as the male penis. see vestigial
a vestigial appendage is generally a part of the body that is not needed. ie something left over from evolution like an appendix. It is also defined as the male penis. see vestigial
by michelle L. May 1, 2006