Johnny: “dang man is that the Deadpool unicorn
Bob: “the one and the same”
by Kallumbacker December 28, 2021
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When you rip off someone's dick and attach it in some form to someone's forehead.
I will cut off your dick and attach it to your head so that way you'd become a floppy dick unicorn you cunt.
by Not Ronnie March 28, 2017
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Unicorns are creatures of happiness- being unicornical or in the state unicornality means you are equally as happy as a unicorn
You're very unicornical today
by unicorn_1orn June 4, 2018
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A power unicorn is a sub brandishing a rainbow or otherwise colourful/sparkly strap on. Power unicorns don’t take the reins; rather, they are ridden. 🦄
Shelley had a wet dream last night about a power unicorn.”
“I was at the queer bar and I met a power unicorn. She was both stunning and terrifying.”
by \buffalo-brown November 21, 2020
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