something that Uganda Knuckles says when someone or something does something to them that they don't like or if that person is trying to be there queen. when they get U DO NOT NO DA WAE.
by Uncle Jessepi July 11, 2018
by CleverOxyMoron February 28, 2018
A place believed to be the promised land and/or the place where all who are wise must attain in order to gain uncomprehensible "wae"
"Do u know da wae my brudda." "Yes my brudda, I have ebola, trust in our queen and she will lead us to da wae."
by The knower of da wae January 16, 2018
The saying of the Ugandan Warrior
Ugandan knuckles: Do u kno da wae
Ugandan man: I do not kno da wae
Ugandan knuckles: U do not kno da wae, i spit on u
Ugandan knuckles #2: We Must find a queen my bruddas
Ugandan man: I do not kno da wae
Ugandan knuckles: U do not kno da wae, i spit on u
Ugandan knuckles #2: We Must find a queen my bruddas
by My perfections January 23, 2018