Twomming can legit be anything
Person 1: I'm a real mf ong i'm Twomming
Person 2: What does it mean to be Twomming
Person 1: it can be anything you want it to mean
by MonoTwom June 10, 2022
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The mom of a tween. Usually can be spotted at any Twilight premiere with their tween.
- "The only people who buy the Twilight books are tweens"
- "Nah, there's a big group of twoms buying them too"
by Julian Casa November 23, 2009
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A straight that isn't quite a straight when playing poker; a four card straight instead of five. Often causing the player to bet large on a losing hand.
I put all my money on that hand!

Too bad you had a twom...
by hellolalala1 March 14, 2009
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It is an acronym, which means that it stands for something longer. In this case it's TWOM, "the world of magic."
by Corey Cooper May 1, 2007
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that is so TWOM

that yellow tape is TWOM , it doesn't even stick well!
by e.h.l. January 24, 2009
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The feeling of experiencing new things, a departure from the safety of the satus quo, the acceptance of the ground shifting beneath one, composure in the midst of uncertainty
"I'm graduating tomorrow, its bitter sweet and scary, i feel the twom"
by Madmax145 March 20, 2013
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