A common Vietnamese surname. It is the 476th most common name in the United States. Other common Vietnamese last-names are Nguyen, Pham, Le, Vu, Do and Huynh
by Quyenanh Tran August 20, 2003
An icelandic defition of the word vape, used consistantly by middle schoolers trying to hide the fact that they vape from there mom
by Ethan breadberry January 22, 2019
The ultimate word used to define one's skill in a certain subject (usually online gaming.) It is not a well known word but the few and proud use it to differentiate themselves from all the posers that use words like Owned and Pwned
by Crimsonstride June 1, 2006
1) a posi noun for a trans person, replacing the pejorative noun tranny.
useful linguistically where the more common adjective trans won't flow in your sentence. plural: "trans," bc none of this was confusing enough already. usually only used to refer to oneself, preceded by a single adjective, as a caption for a selfie (ie. "glam tran"); if used to refer to another person, it could be interpreted as a slur, which would defeat the purpose of making up new words to distance ourselves from ru paul.
2) a common Việt family name (Trần). 11% of all vietnamese trans are also Trầns.
useful linguistically where the more common adjective trans won't flow in your sentence. plural: "trans," bc none of this was confusing enough already. usually only used to refer to oneself, preceded by a single adjective, as a caption for a selfie (ie. "glam tran"); if used to refer to another person, it could be interpreted as a slur, which would defeat the purpose of making up new words to distance ourselves from ru paul.
2) a common Việt family name (Trần). 11% of all vietnamese trans are also Trầns.
by fish trap July 15, 2018
A van that the trailer neighbor turned into a 4x4 pick-up truck. You call it as you see it. There goes the Tr..an.
by Michigan Trailer Trash August 2, 2009
A truncated version of transexual, transgender, or transvestite. It is attempted to be used as an umbrella term referring to those who are differently gendered, however, there are differently gendered people who would not use the term for themselves.
by Toby Hill-Meyer December 30, 2004
An abbreviation of the word transgender (also transsexual/transexual). "Trans" is shorter and more informal than "transgender."
A trans person is someone whose gender is not that which they were assigned at birth.
A trans person is someone whose gender is not that which they were assigned at birth.
When Noam was born, the doctor said they were a girl, but as they grow up, they realize that they aren't a girl. Therefore, Noam is trans.
by xla March 17, 2017