Tower defense (TD) is a subgenre of strategy games where the goal is to defend a player's territories or possessions by obstructing the enemy attackers or by stopping enemies from reaching the exits, usually achieved by placing defensive structures on or along their path of attack.
by my.y.y.y August 21, 2022
by King Nub June 11, 2020
by ManZK96 March 19, 2022
TDS: Hey can i copy your homework?
Tower Battles: yes but make it different
(TDS is actually a school project or somthing idk)
Tower Battles: yes but make it different
(TDS is actually a school project or somthing idk)
Ayo OwOWhatdis1928 want to play Tower Defense Simulator!?~/1!/1?1/1!/!/1/1?1/1/1!/1?1/1/1/1/1/1?!?!?!?!
by TheManWhoHasNoIdea July 28, 2021
by enews01 November 4, 2022
yo bro you wanna hop on tower defense simulator, "no i don't that game sucks it takes to long to update"
by korbloc_dragonte April 10, 2022
The game on roblox mostly known for its incredible speed in updating! Also known as Tower Delay Simulator
by Sasuke4k February 24, 2022