to be very high from smoking marijuana
We got kicked out of home ecinomics cause we would always show up toasted and eat all the cookies.
by cliff December 7, 2002
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Being totally fucked from shmoking the weed.
Dude I've drilled like 10 hotties and I'm totally toasted.

I'm so toasted man that I'm sitting on the couch, wrapped in a blanket and dreamin about a glass of water.
by Darbs May 27, 2005
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fucked up, wasted, drunk off your ass, etc.
Also, bread can be toasted.
Ex 1: She was toasted last night after 65 shots of tequila.
by rofljen June 2, 2006
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Turned a golden, crispy brown due to heating a delcious bowl of weed.
Sweet Jesus am I toasted!
by B. March 3, 2003
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She went to the bar and just got toasted.
by jeff March 21, 2004
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extremely intoxicated, usually drunk. Often used in small, rather snooty suburban towns to describe drunkenness and the stupidity drunkenness entails.
After one skinny margarita, I was totally toasted.

I was so drunk, all I could think of was cinnamon toasted crunch and pork fried toasted.
by Westport Weekend Woman July 4, 2011
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Being high from vaporizing marijuana. The name stems from cooked or "toasted" marijuana removed from a vaporizer after use.
I was getting toasted at my friend's house last night.
by adnantidote September 21, 2015
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