When a man is done peeing, & the tip releases the last drop of piss & creates a dapple of liquid on your pants
by DJBODZ September 21, 2017
by carls jr. winslow September 16, 2008
When ones pussy stops growing at an early age and
Tip dripping
The act of traveling to bath houses and collecting cum off the floor, sealing it in Tupperware, freezing it and serving it in holiday punch bowl
Person who takes last sip has to take the ice ring and smack the hostess across the head until she blacks out
Then all guest jerk off on her face to revive her
When ones pussy stops growing at an early age and
Tip dripping
The act of traveling to bath houses and collecting cum off the floor, sealing it in Tupperware, freezing it and serving it in holiday punch bowl
Person who takes last sip has to take the ice ring and smack the hostess across the head until she blacks out
Then all guest jerk off on her face to revive her
by Crotch Pheasant August 23, 2014
Action taken when you realize you forgot your towel but you're already in the shower. Tipping and Dripping involves exiting the shower while dripping wet and tip-toeing to get a towel from wherever your towels are while trying to get as little water on the floor as possible. Used especially when no one is around to get a towel for you. While getting towels is the most common use of the Tip N Drip maneuver, it has other various uses as well, depending on what you need to get.
by TheFiend138 July 16, 2017
by Yup0214 March 18, 2021
by HippoTitto May 16, 2018