When someone has a colostomy and removes the bag to allow a guy to fuck the stoma (the hole).
Shaky earns money for his habit by renting out his colostomy as a sidecar
by Not the normal user December 17, 2020
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When a gentleman sits on the side of the bed wearing a double breasted jacket and bow tie while his friend is having sex and knuckles his friend’s taint to facilitate orgasm.
Joe came to the rescue last Thursday after all those highballs by Ginza Sidecar -ing for me in the love hotel.
by whiskeyrichard October 18, 2021
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a woman performing the act of fellatio on top of a moving motorcycle, due to her hanging over the side of the motorcycle to gain access. (also known as California Sidecar, Sidehead, or Sidegasm)
She was blowing him while they were riding the harley. She was hung over the side like a sloppy sidecar.
by Spacklebot June 25, 2011
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"When one tries to ask a question or make an observation and another party immediately accuses them of being part of an unrelated discredited group."
"Hey, I think the government might be cloud-seeding."

"Are you a flat-Earther too?"

"Don't hit me with that Sidecar Fallacy BS... I've seen the patents!"
by TooLateBlue July 10, 2023
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