3 definitions by TooLateBlue

Cumulative stupidity resulting from a potent combination of unjustified entitlement, middling to low IQ, constant unchecked proximity to other vapid airheads, forced upward inflection, and the mistaken feelings of contribution despite providing little to no actual value to society observed exclusively in condescending coastal California dwellers.
Did you hear Rhett ask the whole crew to Google how much 23 grams of Carbon weighs and nobody caught it? God, they're all so California dumb.
by TooLateBlue May 10, 2023
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"When one tries to ask a question or make an observation and another party immediately accuses them of being part of an unrelated discredited group."
"Hey, I think the government might be cloud-seeding."

"Are you a flat-Earther too?"

"Don't hit me with that Sidecar Fallacy BS... I've seen the patents!"
by TooLateBlue July 10, 2023
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When someone pretends to be something they're not for the sole purpose of selling everyone on their side out when it matters most.
I can't believe Judas betrayed Jesus like that. He really McCained him bad.
by TooLateBlue February 25, 2022
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