Basically Ohio where everything is on fire. The teachers treat you like shit. The teachers also hate your bladder. Everyone is treated unfairly and the teachers suffer too. They have to teach a class that doesn't listen to anything. School isn't even about learning anymore it's more like a drama filled world that you have to go to every single day.
"The boys" are always saying "ayoooo," and
sometimes the nature of them is disgusting. I am
a boy myself and I know not all of them are like this. So please don't take this as offense if you are a male like me.
Anyways, I don't have to say much about the females except the pick me's and snobby ones.
The pick me's think they are litteraly a boy. They also talk about how itty bitty and small they are.
All of the boys think the pick me's are weird and all the girls hate the pick me's. If you ever find one beware.
Next the snobby females are toxic and gossip about people for no apparent reason. It's not just females sometimes it's males. They disown people and betray them. And none of the teachers do anything about it.
Then there is the actual friends. They don't disown you and protect you from any toxic people. They actually take interest in what you want to do and don't gossip about you with their other friends. If you have a toxic friend you should try to get a new friend like this one.
Everyone's envisionment of fashion is baggy things. Everyone wears Nirvana Shirts and Airforce 1´s. That is basically the school system.
"The boys" are always saying "ayoooo," and
sometimes the nature of them is disgusting. I am
a boy myself and I know not all of them are like this. So please don't take this as offense if you are a male like me.
Anyways, I don't have to say much about the females except the pick me's and snobby ones.
The pick me's think they are litteraly a boy. They also talk about how itty bitty and small they are.
All of the boys think the pick me's are weird and all the girls hate the pick me's. If you ever find one beware.
Next the snobby females are toxic and gossip about people for no apparent reason. It's not just females sometimes it's males. They disown people and betray them. And none of the teachers do anything about it.
Then there is the actual friends. They don't disown you and protect you from any toxic people. They actually take interest in what you want to do and don't gossip about you with their other friends. If you have a toxic friend you should try to get a new friend like this one.
Everyone's envisionment of fashion is baggy things. Everyone wears Nirvana Shirts and Airforce 1´s. That is basically the school system.
by ersatze February 13, 2023
A broken, outdated system used in the United States that teaches kids to give up their dreams and become doctors, lawyers, etc.
Full of gigantic amounts of homework, stress, pressure from parents and teachers, sleep deprivation, depression, bullying, and suicide.
Can lead to a school shooting if taken to the extreme.
Full of gigantic amounts of homework, stress, pressure from parents and teachers, sleep deprivation, depression, bullying, and suicide.
Can lead to a school shooting if taken to the extreme.
by Autistic_meme_man October 17, 2019
by Featuring : Probably not. April 1, 2021
The American School System is flawed. Very flawed. Kids are not getting enough sleep and they are developing anxiety disorders.
The American School System needs to improve.
by FairlyLocal123 June 5, 2020
fucking terrible, all the teachers are fucking cunts and you cant do shit. the fucking schools are invested with drug dealing herion addict faggots who are low lives, id like to mention that every teacher likes to fuck little girls and fuck the students durring class to get them that A+
by runnemede hater 69 December 29, 2022
Kid: "Ms Teacher, what's our homework?"
Teacher: "Everyday Math Journal Page 78."
Kids: "G
Teacher: "Don't blame me. Blame The American School System
Teacher: "Everyday Math Journal Page 78."
Kids: "G
Teacher: "Don't blame me. Blame The American School System
by dominiclopez September 23, 2021
This is the system of education where students do not actually learn how to do anything useful. This is also where you are served food worse than prisons. Each room also has it's own climate. One room might be snowing and have penguins and other might be having a heat wave. And oh man that dress code is great. Teaching young girls that their shoulders must be covered at all times because it's to "distracting" to the guys and they won't be able to focus on work.
The american education system/schools suck.
by TheIronPhynix November 13, 2016