Much like credit card swipping, you take your hand and swish it upward in someone's ass crack to cause them to jump forward and clinch their ass. You get the receipt when they are most vulnerable...lurched forward and nuts in the open. At that point, you take your other hand and hit them in the nuts, as you are taking the receipt.
by John William Matson January 11, 2006
Susan: I can’t beileve he said that? He shouldn’t get away with that
Clair: Girl he won’t. I’m collecting the receipts.
Clair: Girl he won’t. I’m collecting the receipts.
by Claret Mcbrowb June 3, 2018
a narcissistic app which gaslighted its users into stealing their data.
changing their guidelines once they had X amount of users to steal their information & rig the app.
🫦 capitalistic tendencies 👄
changing their guidelines once they had X amount of users to steal their information & rig the app.
🫦 capitalistic tendencies 👄
by polygram420 November 13, 2022
a narcissistic app which gaslighted its users into stealing their data.
changing their guidelines once they had X amount of users to steal their information & rig the app.
🫦 capitalistic tendencies 👄
changing their guidelines once they had X amount of users to steal their information & rig the app.
🫦 capitalistic tendencies 👄
by polygram420 November 13, 2022
by Turtlepawed July 2, 2017
This is an expression used when someone takes a dump in the public bathroom without wiping or flushing. In this context, receipt means toilet paper.
by Random_Wordz January 25, 2022
by Dr.Crow October 1, 2023