by Kargoth March 4, 2009
Green is sometimes used among teenagers sometimes to call a person shady or wierd or someone with a bad temper or a bad attitude. Mostly used among teenage and girls on their twenties. If a girl calls another girl shady she might as well also mean that the girl is a bitch or giving info, to other people. That's a definition on "Green" or Mostly used as "Shady".
High schooler: Hey, that girl looks green.
Friend: Totally, I saw her hanging out with Mia's new Boyfriend.
Friend: Totally, I saw her hanging out with Mia's new Boyfriend.
by Yourfao March 21, 2020
A young horse, or horse that is not fully trained. Also used in the Military to describe someone who is inexperienced.
by igggty January 7, 2009
yes... it is most definitely referring to the marijuana... and also, upon occassion, any substance with similar uses. too, properly, of course, it is a golfing term, but that;s really not very much fun, now is it?
by seamus October 10, 2003
The act of greening is to smoke to much kush nd to enter a state of paralysis. AKA to enter the 7th dimension while also booting. It is a known fact that men dont come out the same after a deep green. While in a green u might feel: like the world is spinning around you, enter a coma fro 12 hours and die
by Barrydoesnt green May 11, 2020
A more sustainable, and more environmentally-concious way of living, eating, getting around, and standing up to the usual status quo of doing business.
When purchasing a "green" product, one is helping the earth and perhaps stopping excess Co2 emmissions from being released
also; acting in a way that is ecologically-sensitive and better for human health, also doing what is the right thing to do (if you care about the earth)
also; acting in a way that is ecologically-sensitive and better for human health, also doing what is the right thing to do (if you care about the earth)
by Boispete May 5, 2008
by My yee 2 April 29, 2021