A group of people that is committed to a mortal leader or small group of mortal leaders.
by bb815 August 1, 2014
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To update, browse, or check messages on a social networking site (myspace, facebook).
"Hold on, lemme reply back this girl, then we can go."

"Dude, stop culting and let's go. I'm hungry."
by PrincessJetta October 23, 2008
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Odd religios type following devoted to a person, diety, or movement
The New Church is a cult
by dave April 27, 2004
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Non-Denominational Christians that only talk about God and force their views upon others- will often pressure you to come to church, discussion groups, etc.

Linda: All that Molly ever does is go to church groups.

Sara: That's because its a cult.
by abcdefghiljkliz April 2, 2009
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something that is cool because it is evil or satanic, used in the same way as cool, pimp, or any other adjective.
That concert was cult as fuck.
Put in some of that cult music by Cannibal Corpse.
by Corey Andersen December 30, 2005
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An organization which deceives stupid and insecure people (usually middle-aged loners who've never had a boyfriend/girlfriend) by promising them importance or power if they dedicate their meaningless lives to serving them (ex. promising their members eternal salvation).

In reality, cults only care about making money or gaining political power for their leaders, and have no remorse about exploiting and intimidating their members in the process. Cults are basically like evil corporations, only much, much eviler and dangerous.

To understand the psychology of a cult member, first:

1. Picture some uneducated, unmarried middle-aged loser who works 50 hours a week at Wal-Mart for 8 bucks an hour, and tells everyone how much he loves his job and how nice his bosses are, and is willing to rat you out if he hears you say anything negative about your job. Creepy right?

2. Now, picture a person who is the equivalent of the guy above, but does the same work for FREE, or worse yet, even PAYS out of his OWN POCKET for the "privilege" of doing work for his organization (aka his cult).

This is the psychology of a cult member - they are literally the lowest common denominator of society. Essentially, they are the "teacher's pet" kid who annoyed the hell out of everyone in 3rd grade, and never outgrew this psychology even in adulthood. Avoid cult members at all costs, they are at best, delusional, and at worst, downright sociopaths.
900 members of the Jim Jones cult killed themselves and their children at his request - can you imagine any sane person doing that?
by ElvisHairDude98 November 15, 2010
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