A device used to cover the scent of mariijuana, usually made from either a plastic bottle or a paper towel role which contains a multitude overload of Bounce dryer sheets.

We are useing one right now.

Texas:hit that Hraha

Hraha:{coughing} pass the fucking terminator, you fat walrus

Hraha: that terminator works terrific
by Ray Jones {Mobud} October 24, 2007
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Someone whose job is to assign names to things. Commonly confused with a robot from the future, but that interpretation is wrong because:
term: a name for something
-ator: one who does
terminator- one who assigns names to things
person 1- what's your job
person 2 - I'm a terminator
person 1 - so you're a robot from the future that kills people?
person 2 - no, I assign names to things
person 1 - that's not what that means
person 2 - uh, I would know. Who's the terminator here?
by Mike J Litoris December 9, 2011
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1.) n. One of the greatest bands ever to arise from Mansfield, Texas. They're under the similar genres of Indie, Rock, & Alternative. The band consists of 5 members. Most of them are considered scene kids.

2.) adj. Of, at, relating to, or forming a limit, boundary, extremity, or end.

3.) adj. Causing, ending in, or approaching death; fatal.

4.) n. A town at the end of a transportation line.
1.) Did you get the new Terminal album, "How The Lonely Keep"? It's the fuckin' shit.

2.) You're almost at the terminal of the level.

3.) My dear, I believe you have Terminal Cancer & there is nothing we can do to save you. We've done the best we could. I'm sorry.

4.) Girl: After we get off the train, we'll hit the terminal. My boyfriend said there's a nice lodge there with a great view.
Boy: You're a great view. ;
by RomanticTragedy July 28, 2005
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When notifying fellow clunge lovers of clear and present clunge approaching of the big boob & big booty curvy variety, whilst at the same time indicating some excellent boobage movement.

Often followed by the theme tune of

'dsh dsh dsh dsh dsh,
dsh dsh dsh dsh dsh'
boobs approaching...Terminator

'dsh dsh dsh dsh dsh'

both look up and notice the excellent boobage/booty heading this way
by Wingnut1982 February 15, 2010
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That robot is hard 24/7! I wish I was hard 24/7!
by Anonymous November 4, 2003
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A robot, made to kill for a certain purpose.
In the film 'Terminator' a terminator is sent back in time to make sure that a certain person is killed so they cannot do the unwanted in the futre.
by Robert Wagstaff January 26, 2004
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Used to describe anyone of similar appearance to Arnold in the movie series. Generally someone tall, muscular, expressionless, dressed in black leather, rides a fatboy and/or has a deep German/Austrian/ Hungarian accent. Also someone who does not waste time with meaningless words or has automatic responses.
by Gumba Gumba February 20, 2004
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