Team Sleep

New band/group/side project composed of Chino Moreno (Deftones) and Todd Wilkinson (Nine Inch Nails). Explores the use of DJ sampling, dreamy melodies and other slightly "techno" themes to create a unique sound. Closest living relative, Hooverphonic.
Team Sleep - self titled CD
by P Mo November 4, 2005
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team no sleep

a term used in lakeland, fl usa that refers to a group of people being up for days or weeks at a time from using meth
man we been up for 5 days....GO TEAM NO SLEEP!
by mills5150 May 31, 2013
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Team no sleep

A term used by people who stay up several days or for long periods because they used meth.
by Theresponsibledruggie November 26, 2018
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Team no sleep

A bunch of pussys. It’s in their DNA. 🐱
Team no sleep act like a woman’s genitalia.
by Hurricaneandrew305 September 11, 2022
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