A toelly transmitted disease (TTD), also known as toelly transmitted infection (STI) or toenailreal disease (TD), is an illness that has a significant probability of transmission between humans or animals by means of foot induced sexual contact, including toe scissoring, toeing a male / females genitals and sharing festy shoes. While in the past, these illnesses have mostly been referred to as TTDs or TD, in recent years the term toelly transmitted infection (TTI) has been preferred, as it has a broader range of meaning; a person may be infected, and may potentially infect others, without showing signs of disease. Some TTIs can also be transmitted via use of a set of nail clippers after its use by an infected person, as well as through moonwalking barefoot or standing on toilet seats. Toelly transmitted infections have been well known for hundreds of years.
I was playing footsies with Suzie during biology barefoot and the bitch gave me atheletes foot!!
I got my toe's sucked last night and the bitch is complaining I gave her a TTD! How was i supposed to know I had warts inbetween my toes, who even looks down there?
I got my toe's sucked last night and the bitch is complaining I gave her a TTD! How was i supposed to know I had warts inbetween my toes, who even looks down there?
by Dr. Jean Spickleberg Snr September 26, 2009
When two people take turns dropping a hot carl on a third party. MOST common between brothers, but many people enjoy TTD.
"Hey there brother David, do you think your girlfriend would be interested in some TTD (tag team dumping) I've been hankering for pooping on a chest and we haven't spent much time together lately."
by Drecreep March 31, 2017
Technological Transmitted Disease. When you get hooked into a technology and have to spread the joy to others. Considered technological herpes.
by The Crafty Otter December 28, 2017
TTD comes from a tik tok influencer
Till the Death,
Always finish out your set to show integrity and dignity
Till the Death,
Always finish out your set to show integrity and dignity
by NOFAP May 14, 2021
by barnabi May 31, 2023
Did you know that the transgender community has a medium-sized amount of suicide rates? Their suicide rate is 40%, but according to some, it's apparently 67%!
Person 1: "Man, I fucking hate all troons!"
Person 2: "Me too! We need TTD!"
Person 1: "Yeah, we need an Identity War right now! An Identity War between cisgender, straight people vs the trannies and the other pieces of trash in the terrorist organization known as LGBT!"
Person 2: "FUCK YEAH!"
All LGBToids can face the wall and have a bullet put through their skull.
Person 1: "Man, I fucking hate all troons!"
Person 2: "Me too! We need TTD!"
Person 1: "Yeah, we need an Identity War right now! An Identity War between cisgender, straight people vs the trannies and the other pieces of trash in the terrorist organization known as LGBT!"
Person 2: "FUCK YEAH!"
All LGBToids can face the wall and have a bullet put through their skull.
by BismarckFanboy1871 December 20, 2023