The Mississippi Mudslide is when a man has projectile diarrhea and during sex he must sits on a womans face and proceed to defecate on the womans face causing the poop to slide the womans face and body. This will look something like a mudslide
Dan i was sick yesterday and Sarah came over and was really horny and while she was licking my nuts i accidentally gave her THE MISSISSIPPI MUDSLIDE
by mikehunt92 December 8, 2010
A Mississippi Mudslide is the next step after a Cleveland Steamer. You take a dump on a girls chest (the Cleveland Steamer part) then use that as lube to titty fuck her. It often precedes a Chocolate Covered Vanilla Popsicle (moving up and into the girls mouth to erupt).
I met some nasty ho at the bar last night and gave her a Mississippi Mudslide. It smelled horrible but the crazy bitch was into it and she actually requested a Chocolate Covered Vanilla Popsicle!
by GTaylor April 12, 2008
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It is when you have diarrhea and you eject your watery feces all over your partner during intercourse. The diarrhea has a muddy appearance and is slippery (like a slip ‘n’ slide) which is why the term “mudslide” is used.
Last night I gave Sally a Mississippi Mudslide and she threw up all over my dick.
by David Cantonicle September 20, 2006
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aka Santers stocking....... An unfeasonably large poo only generated by a panting fat man or seasoned arse bandit. usually left sat in the toilet bowl after flushing resembling a crumbled hillside or on rare occasions a dirty xmas stocking.
i would'nt go in there chief, some fat fuckers left a mississippi mudslide!!
by cleaveland steamboat November 28, 2009
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The act in which a male puts his penis into a females anal cavity, and then proceeds to urinate inside of her. Result is a digusting mess that smells like sewage.
Dude, my roommate ruined my sheets by giving some bitch a Mississippi Mudslide in my bed.
by gredubbs April 21, 2009
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this is when you take a shit in a condom and freeze it. then use it as a dildo.
yo i gave myself a smelly ass mississippi mudslide this morning.

i took my mississippi mudslide out of the freezer for a good turd fucking.
by steve scullin yo August 10, 2006
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Two gay men with diarrhea taking turns doing anal.
He loves a Mississippi Mudslide with extra nuts
by R.B.F. March 12, 2021
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