you think \/'.;.=,lp-mko0nji9bhu8vgy7cft6xdr5zse4aw3q21` is boredom? have you even typed \/'.;.=,lp-mko0nji9bhu8vgy7cft6xdr5zse4aw3q21`~!@Q#WA$ESZ%RDX^TFC&YGV*UHB(IJN)OKM_PL<+{:>}"?|?
by W4ffleCat February 16, 2022
Get the \/'].;[.=,lp-mko0nji9bhu8vgy7cft6xdr5zse4aw3q21`~!@Q#WA$ESZ%RDX^TFC&YGV*UHB(IJN)OKM_PL<+{:>}"?| mug.
The pinnacle of boredom. Once you have gotten here you will have been ascended and have slain the god of universe -10 to 50. You have reached the summit of reality. There is nothing left for you here. You will have the truth of the universe to be revealed to you. You have surpassed all powerful beings in all religions. You are now the ultimate being. But you have nothing left. The real meaning of life is shown. Nothing really exists. We live in a reality that as always moving, always changing. In this reality you may think that things that you care about are there but they are not. Nothing is real. That is the truth.
Im going to type \'/=;.-pl,0okm9ijn8uhb7ygv6tfc5rdx4esz3wa2q1`1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv5tgb6yhn7ujm8ik,9ol.0p;/-'=\|}"?+{:>_PL<)OKM(IJN*UHB&YGV^TFC%RDX$ES#W@Q! and see what happe- *dies*
by a stupid idiot on the internet September 13, 2021
Get the \]'/=[;.-pl,0okm9ijn8uhb7ygv6tfc5rdx4esz3wa2q1`1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv5tgb6yhn7ujm8ik,9ol.0p;/-['=]\|}"?+{:>_PL<)OKM(IJN*UHB&YGV^TFC%RDX$ES#W@Q! mug.
TFC, True Fucking Chaos, aka, when your roommate's fucking you cat, your mother knocks on your college dorm, security is knocked out in the hall, that bitch steve tripped the smoke alarm again, the others think its a good idea to set a couch on fire, and you're high on a little bit of everything.
“Mommy help me, i’m scared,”

“Oh sweetie,”


“Oh sweetie im on my way,”
by Veeve June 7, 2023
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Ed: Hey, why didn't you come to my party this weekend?

Sadie: I told you--I was on the science field trip. Didn't you see the pic I posted on Instagram??

Ed: I saw it, but you weren't in it!

Sadie: Because I took the picture, genius.

Ed: Ohhhhh sorry, tfc!
by Cottonelle December 16, 2014
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