by PrimeTime June 9, 2004
Yo dudes, me and mah girl were together last night, she got down and T bagged me for a minute before we got to the real stuff.
by Fidam August 29, 2005
by yop April 27, 2006
by LilStinky November 16, 2005
A practice in video games usually shooters where one person kills another, walks over to their corpse then crouches over that persons head thus "teabaggin".
See also "corpse humping"
See also "corpse humping"
by HaloGuy September 12, 2005
To place the testicles on each side of the nose while dipping the spoon handle (penis) into the cup (mouth).
by Chew January 20, 2006
by Rayan August 20, 2005