The act or process of a man trying to seduce his friend, or any other man's woman. Which is completely wrong and messed up to do thus naming the male a swooper.
Dude, you know Maria is with John. Stop swooping in on her you filthy smut.
by Big Bad B Lyons January 24, 2006
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Being cut off in the middle of telling an entertaining fact to someone else when they say, "Oh yeah! I read that on Cracked too!"
"Did you know the original line in the Terminator was going to be-" "Oh yeah! 'I'll come back!' I saw that on Cracked!" "Goddamnit, don't swoop me!"
by pianohacker August 13, 2013
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To steal,or take something.Typically,with out the owner of whatever you stole knowing.
employee:hey,where'd that shirt go?
girl: SWOOP!
by ruhchael March 14, 2010
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a slang term for Bloods. OBviously, the word has ten billion other meanings.
Dem niggaz in da red tees wit red rags is swoops, blud.
by skrudge January 12, 2008
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The act of having finesse in everything you do. It can be used as an adjective, verb, or noun. Although it can have many different meanings that is the main definition. Members in SWOOP, aka the swoop fam, wear handmade bracelets and have their own call/sound (SUE-WOOP). When a member of SWOOP makes "the call" all members must respond with the call (SUE-WOOP). To go along with the call swoop fam also has a hand sign. This worldwide movement was started in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Chris: "Bro your outfit has so much swoop today!"
Caleb: "Aye right on"

Random Person: "What does swoop mean?"
Member of swoop: "If you know. Issa movement."

*Walks into class* "SWOOOOP" *Whole class yells* "SWOOOOP"
by yournamehere November 16, 2017
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Engaging in cunnilingus while the female is defecating. In other words a female blumpkin.
When things needed spicing up he gave her a good salty swooping.
by Hardcore June 2, 2015
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