People who tend to use Urban Dictionary to amuse themselves (and only themselves) by making up defenitions for people they hate.
"Hahaha, I am totally burning him by putting his name in this!"
by The Lost Skeleton January 10, 2005
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Luke Comino - someone who pretends to ride bmx and be a badass gangsta
by Pope Don Paul II March 2, 2003
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a simpler way of telling the person that she is a Dehydrated-rock-hard stupid person that probably looks at a frog and fucking bites it thinking it's a hamburger before even thinking that it might be very dangerous to eat a "hamburger" that was stuck in a fucking tree IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FOREST.
You goddamn piece of shit
Robert: ayooo just found chocolate icecream in the floor of your dog's little house, let't eat it
William: what the fuck Robert, you Stupid Fucking Idiot. that's shit, that's dog shit, how idiot can you fucking be you piece of shit, why would a chocolate icecream be lying on the floor of my dog's house you Neanderthal
Robert: eating the shit so it's not ice cream?
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People who enoy such shows as The Simple Life, The OC, Nanny 911, or Trading Spouses: Meet Your New Mommy.
Because Lindsay watches the OC religiously, she is a stupid dumb fucking idiot.
by Floyd Masterson April 21, 2005
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She thought she could spam my email with porn by using my email to subscribe?! SDFI!
by RP January 31, 2005
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