1. The tendency of the human mind to inadvertently jump from one subject to another.
2. A literary device that is used to follow the occurring thoughts of a character.
-They started talking about politics, but because of the stream of consciousness, they were talking about their favorite flavors of ice cream by the end of the discussion.
by delinquentfates May 16, 2006
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A form of speech where the person speaking dumps all their thoughts out unfiltered, unedited and completely.
"I went to see my mom yesterday and she would not stop talking. She just kept going on and on about EVERY thought she had. I was drowning in the stream of consciousness she threw at me for an hour."
by somedudewithaword April 26, 2014
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An event that allows for some of the best Urban Dictionary contributions ever made.
To access my astounding stream of consciousness dump, I just close my eyes for a moment and then start typing and the next thing I know, I’m a fucking UD genius!
by Dr Bunnygirl May 11, 2021
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