Straight people

A strange breed of people. They are obsessed with tik-tok and only listen to travis scott,cardi b, and doja cat
by January 17, 2022
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Straight people

An endangered species that's being mercilessly hunted by femboys/traps
No one:
Literally no one:
People in 2069: remember when straight people weren't extinct?
by I eat poop 69 March 11, 2022
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Straight people

One of the reasons humanity isn't extinct. Seriously why do I see so many definitions hating on straights?
Straight people are one of the reasons humanity isn't extinct.
by the random. March 1, 2023
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Straight people

Person 1: look at those normal citizens

Person 2:nah they just straight people
by Oranana October 15, 2023
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Straight People

People of the following characteristics

- walks slowly
- obsessed with the opposite sex
- prolly loves sex
- thinks gay people have a crush on them
Person 1: *walks fast while having standards and texting same-sex crush*
Person 2: Slow down!
Person 3: Yeah slow down
Person 1: Y'all are a bunch of straight people 🙄
by Just An Epic Genius April 29, 2022
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An entirely true fact that can be approved of by anyone who isn't straight or people who are ashamed of being straight.
Queer person: "straight people are gross"
Gross straight person: "fuck you"
Queer person: "oh so you wanna fuck me, doesn't seem very straight of you 😏"
by Gaybitchenby February 20, 2021
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