sts means sent to streaks. You see sts in Snapchat were people compete to have the most streaks. Now is you get a sts you know they have or want a streak with you.
I took a picture then I sts.
by How bout that March 7, 2017
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A, typically, gaming abbreviation meaning "Sucks to Suck" used whenever someone does something unfortunate such as die in a video game. Could also be used in real life situations if someone does something bad like fall down.
Barton: I just died to fall damage!
Fowensic: Wow, StS, bud
by Fowensic October 23, 2018
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While not as imposing as its larger AT-AT walker cousin, the AT-ST nonetheless served as a significant addition to the Imperial side of battlefields in the Galactic Civil War. The two-man craft is lightly armed with chin-mounted laser cannons, and side-mounted weapon pods. The two legged craft, dubbed the scout walker by many, serves as a reconnaisance and patrol vehicle, often flanking approaching AT-ATs and mopping up infantry that sneaks past the larger walkers. The Imperials used AT-STs in both the Battle of Hoth and the Battle of Endor.
Related: AT-AT AT-TE Hoth Endor
by not a starwars geek November 30, 2004
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An acronym for small talk, a forum part of PBnation
person 2: lets not...
by Will Hester October 9, 2005
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Acronym for "Sucks to suck". Simply because it does suck to suck.
1: "I just got dumped and got pink-eye from a stripper in the same night"
2: "STS"
by becchalk October 15, 2010
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Shoot The Shit (v) to maintain a conversation or dialogue in a friendly or casual manner
Shawn: So what was that all about?

Kris: All kinds of stuff. That girl can sts for hours!
by RratT November 26, 2013
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Supplemental Training Systems.

A top bodybuilding supplement line.
Josh Duhamel has been caught by People magazine jogging while wearing an STS shirt.
by Candycasa December 4, 2009
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