Splash Mountain

When one male sexual partner ejaculates into the other sexual partner's retina.
Chad: "How was your tinder date last night?"
Scott: "It was going well but I don't think we're gonna go on another one..."
Chad: "Why not?"
Scott: I may have splash mountained her.."
by cashywashy April 24, 2020
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Splash Mountain

Splash Mountain is a log flume at Disneyland, Tokyo Disneyland, and the Magic Kingdom at the Walt Disney World Resort, based on the characters, stories, and songs from the 1946 Disney film Song of the South. Although there are variations in the story and features between the three locations, each installation begins with a peaceful outdoor float-through that leads to indoor dark ride segments, with a climactic steep drop into a "briar patch" followed by an indoor finale.

Height Requirement: 40 Inches (101 cm, 3'3")

Drop Height: 52.5 ft (16m)
Kid 1: I'm sooo ready for Splash Mountain! That drop looks so cool!

Kid 2: We're gonna get soaked!

by lglifeisgood June 17, 2020
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Splash Mountain

When playing the game of Basketball, preferably in a Recreational league and/or pick up game. And stating to the defending player: "Have you been to Disneyland?" Then immediately after, pulling up for the easy J over the lack luster D. Immediately after the automatic (preferably three point shot), saying: "Splash Mountain."
Baller 1: Aye Charles.
Baller 2: What's Good?
Baller 1: Tommy just took that fool to Disneyland.
Baller 2: For real, Splash Mountain.

Baller 1: Man, it feels like we in the Magic Kingdom.
Baller 2: No Man, Jimmy is just soaking wet today, taking that sorry ass cat to Splash Mountain.
by kershybar August 3, 2011
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Splash Mountain

When a man ejaculates on a woman's breasts and then proceeds to motorboatthem.
Tits McGee had some huge tits, I busted my load right on them and rode the splash mountain.
by Devinetrey January 19, 2009
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Splash Mountain

The water that hits your anus hole right when you drop a turd
Bro after Taco Bell I went through Splash Mountain so many times
by Thiq_ Croissant March 17, 2017
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Splash Mountain

When your fucking a girl and her Pussy gets so wet that she fly’s off your dick. Then she takes you into the bathroom and you fuck her over a toilet. You fuck her so hard she breaks the pipes and the toilet water splashes on your face. You then proceed to drink the water and fuck her so hard that she flys to disneyworld.
“Matt why is the house flooding
“I gave Chelsea splash mountain
by Bigboy1516 February 26, 2019
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splash mountain

A ride found in Disney(world/land) where the rider is braught to the top of a man made mountain and takes plunges into water in a boat.
Damn. I got wet on splash mountain.
by Dick June 16, 2004
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