A combination of the words slut and fagot, used to insult the promiscuity of a homosexual that quote unquote "gets around"
aka a slutty fagot
A TV show (that shall remain nameless) in witch two family trade their wives helped to make the word popular.
aka a slutty fagot
A TV show (that shall remain nameless) in witch two family trade their wives helped to make the word popular.
"She's no a Christian, Slaggot, Gargoyles."
"Whow John need to pace himself hes only one bj away from slaggot vill"
"Whow John need to pace himself hes only one bj away from slaggot vill"
by pookid October 10, 2008
A combination of the words "slut" and "faggot" An insult used to call someone a "slutty faggot" with the use of one powerhouse of a word.
Made popular after its use in the TV series trading spouses "Shes not a Christian! Gargoyle's! Slaggot!!!
"Hey faggot you need to watch how slutty you act your one bj away from slaggot vill"
"Hey faggot you need to watch how slutty you act your one bj away from slaggot vill"
by Be-SHARP September 28, 2008
A combination of the words slut and fagot, used to insult the promiscuity of a homosexual that quote unquote "gets around"
aka a slutty fagot
aka a slutty fagot
by Fantastafanomus October 10, 2008
A woman of ill repute, or an insult to a woman to suggest infidelity or bad sexual habits. Derrived from the words slag and maggot by SKC Melbourne, much like the word slamington
by James November 14, 2003
The form "SLAGGOT" is a personal pronoun describing a person from the fraternity Pi Kappa Alpha also referred to as PIKE. "Slaggot" by definition is one who is a fag and a slut, or a "Slaggot".
by whooy May 3, 2009
"Oh please Mortimor, please have sex with me"
"Get away from me white woman you is a god damn Slaggot!"
"Get away from me white woman you is a god damn Slaggot!"
by Scott Anthony Carr November 15, 2007
A combination of the words "slut" and "faggot" An insult used to call someone a "slutty faggot" with the use of one powerhouse of a word.
Made popular after its use in the TV series trading spouses "Shes not a Christian! Gargoyle's! Slaggot!!!
"Hey faggot you need to watch how slutty you act your one bj away from slaggot vill"
"Hey faggot you need to watch how slutty you act your one bj away from slaggot vill"
by Be-SHARP September 28, 2008