When you hit a vape and you feel dizzy nauseous and feel like you about to yuke
“Mane I hit that lil weak ass vape for the first time and that shit had me bout nic sick like a mf”
by ChiefKeefsDraco October 5, 2022
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Pretty similar to dabbing disorder but Dabbing sickness i something spreads and others gets dabbing sickness
Little Brother:dabs
Big Brother: Stop dabbing you little cringy kid!
a week later
Big brother: Man dabbing is so cool bruh!
Mom: omg you guys have dabbing sickness!!
by Birdybertie April 13, 2018
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Someone called obi in a Skoda driving round the hard enz with his boys in surrey
Oi oi I’m a sick driver like Obi
by Dr cool boy July 14, 2019
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Acute DSB Sickness is a medical illness that is caught by individuals who return to their former homes or places they have lived after they moved away. They are inflicted with a great sense of regret and disappointment, knowing that their new homes and areas in which they live, will never be as greats as where they once lived. The disease is marked by periods of sadness, coughing, wheezing, general dismay, hate, and stress. First known patient was L.H.
Man, I feel so stupid for moving away. Screw you Portland, you will never be as great as DC.

L: I feel sick.
C: where were you?
L: I went back to DC.
C: oh, you must have Acute DSB Sickness
by danthegmgman May 10, 2010
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Feeling tired, dizzy, exhausted, etc. while shopping for clothing.
I was feeling store sick while shopping for clothes.
by Slurpits November 25, 2016
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When one sick individual in a couple just can't keep his/her mouth off their gf/bf/fuckbuddy, passing on the virus that they will eventually get back from said gf/bf/other, creating a vicious tennis-like volley of sickness. The world must know.

"eww guys, stop playing sick pong."
by 2randomwenches April 16, 2010
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When you do something proper wicked like making a girl orgasm
yeah i made her cum last night, that’s proper wicked sick
by yeahno September 4, 2021
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